Saturday, August 11, 2012

Speilberg didn't want to make Indiana Jones 4

He isn't doing a very good job of hiding his disgust.
George Lucas is obsessed with B movies. "My movies aren't terrible, they're B movie homages."

Fuck you. B movies are just a nice way of saying poorly-written shit movies, and your blinding nostalgia for the 1950s has apparently consumed your mind.

Oh, yeah and he wanted it to be titled "Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men".

And yet when Tarantino does it, it's high art.

Who thinks Tarantino's B movie wannabes are high art? No one that's sane. What they do have is clever writing and a healthy sense of the absurd. Which is the exact opposite of Lucas's oeuvre. Lucas can't write his way out of a paper bag, and his movies have the appearance of taking themselves seriously. The success he has managed is largely due to much more talented screenwriters and directors.

American Graffiti, The Empire Strikes Back, The Return of the Jedi, and the Indiana Jones movies have all had the benefit of co-writers and other directors. George Lucas's contribution seems to be a vague outline of a story, which other more talented writers mold into something good.

I admit, I can't explain Star Wars Episode IV. Dumb luck? Other non-credited writers? That sounds like a stupid conspiracy theory, but then again, this is the same guy who liked to say that he had the entire Star Wars story planned out in 1976, despite every indication to the contrary.

Oh and same goes double for both Kill Bills.
I'm pretty sure he went to the crossroads at midnight and the devil fixed his broken pen.

That pen wrote Star Wars: Episode IV. After that it pretty much just wrote the sentence "Let someone else write it" over and over and over again. I'm guessing he got sick of being ordered around by a pen.

"I admit, I can't explain Star Wars Episode IV. Dumb luck? Other non-credited writers?"

Yes on the latter. It's not a deeply hidden secret, though offhand I don't have a good link that talks about the writing of "Star Wars". But it was an iterative process, where Lucas would show a script to writer friends, they'd tell him what was wrong with it, he'd change those parts, and so on until he had a script that wasn't ass.

Luke's original last name was going to be "Starkiller", and I think it was Paramount that recommended they change it. "Skywalker" is a much better name for a young fella with big dreams.

I'm talking about Tarantino Kill Bill and after. Everything he's made in the 2000s has been pure gratuitous wank.

On Tarantino: He deserves his blowjobs for what he's done, but like most directors and creatives in general, he has his own style. Tarantino's biggest problem is the fact that he uses genre film as a basis for his own, because while that's innovative in a field, it's stemming directly from an old field. Coupled along with people who become influenced by what he does bring to those genres, you've get one man who has only done 6 films in 20 years (I don't count vol.2 as another film, sorry), who's style has been emulated throughout, making him pretty much just another famous director. The same thing happened to Wes Anderson for me, but I guess that's apples to oranges.

On Lucas: While I echo the sentiment that they are glorified b-movies, I don't think there's much separation between the prequels and original trilogy in Star Wars. I mean I like Plinkett too, but the same problem that plagues Lucas' work, is the same for Tarantino. Star Wars was great for it's time, but it was one of the precursors to the rise of science fiction as a viable genre. Everything from Gattaca to Battle Beyond the Stars came after it, and how does something that inspired all of that (also that old), hold a candle to 30 years of progress? It's just not possible, unless you turn Star Wars into, not the Star Wars you saw when you were a kid (which is pretty much the entirety of the expanded universe stuff, which Lucas tried to adapt into the prequels i.e. the word "Sith" was never used in the OT). It sucks to see the commercialism of it all, but I don't care what anyone says, Han Solo is not that cool.

To Lucas' creative credit though, I thought Red Tails was pretty good.

In conclusion: Indiana Jones 4 was a terrible, terrible thing, and despite how Spielberg is trying to blame Lucas and Ford, if he was really concerned with his artistic integrity, I doubt he would be helming Jurassic Park 4.

Dread Pirate Roberts
This was what was wrong with the Star Wars prequels as well. He isn't interested in making 'A Star Wars movie' or an 'Indiana Jones Movie'. He wants to make 'A movie' that is an homage to his childhood, but can't escape the franchises he helped bring to life.

George is, at his core, an artistic-thinking guy that has had his world taken away from him. He wanted to make artsy pictures (think, THX1138). After his third movie, Star Wars, got so popular, the world didn't want him to do anything else for nearly a decade. After that, he never had huge success again. He was stuck managing the franchise that had come to consume him.

And then he kept on making movies.

Or he could have lived like a kind off of the money from the franchise and made whatever small art movies he wanted with complete freedom because he's one of the very few people in the industry who who is actually in a position to do that.
Oscar Wildcat
He did! What, you didn't like the Star Wars Christmas Special?

How a bad movie idea is created.
This interview reminded me of that Simpson's clip from when Bart falls down the well, fakes Timmy, pastiche of celeb campaigns yadda yadda yadda... and Krusty talks about trying to get Sting on board and Sting keeps fobbing off what day he is available.
Wait... "there was a reason that I INVENTED the shot of Harrison riding off into the sunset"

Is Spielberg is saying he invented riding off into the sunset? Or am I misinterpreting here?

It's definitely a Freudian Slip. Spielberg likely deep down wants people to think he invented the riding off into the sunset shot.
I'm pretty sure he meant invented in the sense of "came up with" or "thought up" or "suggested" that for the ending. Anyone who thinks he means he invented the riding off into the sunset shot is being an opportunistically pedantic weirdo.
This movie was one of the most unpleasant experiences I've ever had at a theater.
Correct Title:
Speilberg didn't want to make Indiana Jones 4, but did anyway.

Correct Description:
Another reason to hate Steven Spielberg.

Harrison Ford: I want an "Indy 4."
Spielberg: But you're really old. And your face is fucked up.
HF: Innndy Fouur! With Karen Allen.
S: But she's kinda old, too. And fat.
HF: Innnnndy Fouurrr! Raaagh!
S: Alright, alright, I'll do it.
HF: Yaaay!

Lucas was never a good director. Ever.
I want to eat now, there's this place where I can get a dooner kebap, right next to my home. I will read all the commentary as I eat my kebap, Okay? Thanks for enriching my life. After I am done eating I will do something else. Okay. I also will not remember posting this. Seriously though when was he a good director? Never. OK.
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